Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ice Cream and Cake Identity Crisis!

After a summer blogging hiatus, I am finally back with a fun idea!  For a family birthday party, I wanted to do something unique for cake and ice cream. I wanted it to be yummy but also appeal to and involve my kids. So, I thought of the ever popular cake pop. They are all the rage right now and fairly easy to make. (it's the artistic part that is the hard work!) To put a twist on things, I decided to make cake that looks like ice cream and ice cream that looks like cake! In other words cake pops in a cone and a layered ice cream cake that you turn out of a pan. 

To start, below you see the ingredients: a box of cake mix (and ingredients to make it), a tub of frosting, ice cream cones, whatever toppings you want, and bark coating to roll the cake balls in. 

Make the cake according to the box instructions.

trim the cones,

Once the cake is done, cool it completely, then crumble it up and mix in the frosting really well.

Roll the cake/frosting mixture into balls. Refrigerate for at least an hour.

Pardon the overly-whiteness! Roll the cake balls in melted candy bark.

Place the candy coated cake balls onto the cones, then top immediately before it dries, that way the toppings stick well. I had a great cake topper in my kitchen!

The finished product! I did both vanilla and chocolate. (M&M on top for the cherry!)

Ok, so its no Bakerella, but it was a super fun mom/daughter activity and quite frankly the messy candy coating looks like melted ice cream to me!

As you can see, when you put a 3 1/2 year old in charge of the sprinkles, it can get a little messy, but oh so fun! That is what a broom is for after all. (you should've seen the floor!)

I had some leftover cake, so I just made some little bon bons. The chocolate ones I topped with sprinkles and the vanilla ones, I topped with coconut.

The display at the party. (oops, one guy fell over... but no melting!)

Ok, now the ice cream part. I made this at my parent's house one day and I didn't have my camera, so I only captured the finished product. Basically, you take a loaf pan and line it with saran wrap. Choose 2 or 3 flavors of ice cream. (I decided to do 4 layers of 2 flavors.) I used Publix's Chocolate trinity and Maple walnut. In between each layer, I put crushed Reese's cups.

Soften the ice cream for about 20 minutes, then spread one layer and whatever topping, then place in freezer for 15 minutes. Repeat process with each layer, then refrigerate overnight before serving. When you are ready to serve, sit out for 10 minutes, invert into a pan, then slice! As you can see this ice cream was our cake! Complete with candles!

 The kids were super excited about the treats and I heard from the grown-ups that they were quite tasty as well!

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